St. Francis Ministries

Cultivating a deeper connection with God

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In our fast-paced and often chaotic world, finding a deep connection with God can bring immense peace, purpose, and fulfillment to our lives. It is a journey that goes beyond religious rituals and external practices, inviting us to cultivate a personal and intimate relationship with the divine.

“come to me all ye who are over burdened and laboured and i will give you rest”

Embracing a deep connection with God starts with the recognition that we are spiritual beings, longing for something greater than ourselves. It is a yearning to discover our purpose, find solace in times of struggle, and experience a profound sense of love and belonging. This connection is not limited to a specific religious tradition but is open to all who seek a higher power.

Indeed we are spiritual beings inhabiting a physical body and not the other way round.

One of the key ways to foster this connection is through prayer. Prayer is a powerful tool that allows us to communicate with God, expressing our deepest desires, concerns, and gratitude.

It is a sacred space where we can be vulnerable, seeking guidance and finding solace in the presence of the divine. Through prayer, we open ourselves up to receive divine wisdom and experience a profound sense of connection with God.

Another essential aspect of deepening our connection with God is through the study of scripture. The Sacred texts provide us with invaluable teachings, stories, and wisdom that guide us on our spiritual journey.

By immersing ourselves in these texts, we gain a deeper understanding of God’s nature, His will for our lives, and the principles that lead to a meaningful and purposeful existence.

In addition to prayer and scripture study, embracing a deep connection with God involves cultivating a lifestyle of worship and gratitude. Engaging in communal worship, whether through religious services, singing hymns, or participating in rituals, allows us to join with others in praising and honoring the divine. It is a time when we can collectively express our love and devotion to God, deepening our connection with Him and experiencing a sense of unity with our fellow believers.

10 ways to cultivate a deeper connection with God

Gratitude, too, plays a vital role in our spiritual journey. By cultivating an attitude of gratitude, we shift our focus from what is lacking to what we have been blessed with.
It is through gratitude that we acknowledge God’s goodness and provision in our lives, opening our hearts to receive even more blessings and deepening our connection with Him.

Finally, embracing a deep connection with God involves surrendering ourselves to His plan. It requires letting go of our own desires and trusting that God knows what is best for us. Surrendering to His will

10 ways to cultivate a deeper connection with God

1. Prayer: Set aside dedicated time each day to communicate with God through prayer. Pour out your heart, express gratitude, and seek guidance from your maker.
I will tell you why your prayer life is very important.

You didn’t ask God to create you, on the contrary, God choose to create you, and he brought you forth to this world for a reason, that reason you may not know till you ask him.

Prayer opens that door of communications between you and your God so that you can find out his purpose for your life and live accordingly.

2. Scripture Study: Dive into the sacred texts of your faith. Read and reflect on the teachings, stories, and wisdom found in the scriptures to deepen your understanding of God.

Yes your understanding of God matters so much. Because God is not a human, he is not like us, as such you will need a deeper understanding of his nature for you to be able to walk with him.

Why studying the scriptures is very important is that it provides guidelines and directions of how God wants you to live your life. Remember your life is not yours, your life was given to you by someone, so for you to maximise your potential and actually live your life to the fullest, you will need some laid down principles and guidelines, these are found in the Bible.

3. Meditation: Practice stillness and silence to create space for God’s presence. Clear your mind, focus on your breath, and open yourself up to receive divine guidance.

The second nature of God is silence. While prayer is talking to God, meditation is actually listening to God and a sound communication involves both talking and listening. Something as simple as deep breathe for may be 10 to 15 minutes will do wonders for your life.

Make out time each day to go deep down within you and stay there for a while.
Marvel at God’s nature and his creations, if you can walk in nature, may be a beach, or a garden, just a place you can be alone, it will deepen your knowledge of both yourself and God’s nature.

4. Worship: Engage in communal worship and praise. Attend religious services, sing hymns, and participate in rituals that bring you closer to God.

Worship and praise is very important if you want to walk in deep connection with God. Why God created human being is for us to worship and praise him.

I mean why wouldn’t you worship such a gigantic and great God. A God that created the universe from nothing. The world is very big and mighty, the ocean alone is very vast and inexhaustible, there is more than 8 billion human beings, then the animals are uncountable, the trees, the air and someone created all these from nothing so why wouldn’t you worship him?

I tell you that it is a privileged to worship him and the best form of worship is in truth and through your life.

Read before you go..

5. Service: Show love and compassion to others by serving those in need. Volunteer your time, donate to charitable causes, and extend kindness to others as a way of connecting with God’s love.

Because God loves us so much that he choose to create us, and even went to the extent of dying for us, sacrificing his life by himself for us, to redeem us from our sins in order to reconcile us with himself,  this is called Love and that is why we say that God is Love.

Do you know why he had to pay that ultimate sacrifice? It is because we are sinful and God’s nature abhors sin to the extent that nothing sinful can approach his presense, nevertheless the Love for us is still there because he created us.

So the only way was that an ultimate sacrifice was needed for the atonement of the sin of mankind, and since he cannot change his nature by condoning sin, he had to sacrifice himself, to be killed by the  same people he was trying to save, this is pure Love.

He only expects us to extend that same love to our fellow human through acts of service and charity, so go ye and do likewise.

6. Nature: Spend time in nature and marvel at the beauty of God’s creation. Take walks, hike, or simply sit in quiet contemplation, allowing the wonders of the natural world to inspire awe and gratitude.

Like i said earlier, you can’t just but marvel at God’s creations, the nature, the seas, oceans, trees, birds, animals, humans and the inexhaustible universe, all these are the works of his Hand.

Then when you begin to understand that humans are complicated, infact a single human being is much more complicated that you will ever know, infact you cannot even fully fugure yourself out because you are so powerful and God embedded so much in you.

10 ways to cultivate a deeper connection with God

Then you will finally realise that there are around 8 billion people on a single planet called Earth, (there are more than nine of these planets and the Earth is not even the biggest) each person with a complicated nature, then you finally realise that God made all these out of nothing, you cannot but marvel and worship God.

This is the reason why you need to sometimes spend your time in nature so that you can atleast grasp the wonders of the world and thus the Maker of these things.

7. Gratitude: Cultivate an attitude of gratitude in your daily life. Acknowledge and appreciate the blessings, big and small, that God has bestowed upon you.

Our life is filled with things to be grateful for, but the thing is that most times we neglect our blessings seeking for more blessings.

The irony of it all is that we neglect the important blessings in our life seeking for the most trivial ones. We neglect that we are alive on a daily basis, we neglect that we are healthy, we neglect that we can breathe in fresh air, we neglect that we can see the wonders of the earth, all these are precious gifts from God which we do not deserve and cannot be bought with money.

All we seek is financial blessings, societal status, material things which are as a matter of fact the least trivial of things.

Not until you begin to pay attention to these precious gifts from God which we trivialize, you wouldn’t have a grateful heart, if you want to walk deep with God, then learn to appreciate these wonderful gifts which you have now before it is too late.

8. Fellowship: Surround yourself with a community of believers who share your faith. Engage in meaningful conversations, participate in spiritual discussions, and support one another on your spiritual journeys.

It is very important to worship in fellowship with brethren who share the same faith with you, this is because iron sharpens iron. When you mingle in the company of fellow believers you surround yourself with like minds that will lift you up so that when you see yourself sliding back, you will have some people to hold on to and not fall to the ground.

Find a group of fellow believers who align with your spirit and make out time to form a bond with them through fellowship, support and charity. All these goes a long way to deepen your connection with God.

9. Reflection: Set aside time for introspection and self-reflection. Examine your thoughts, actions, and intentions, seeking to align them with God’s will.

In all these, your intentions is the most important because God sees the intention behind your actions. God is a spirit and those who worship him must do so in spirit and in truth.

When you are dealing with God, don’t just focus on your actions, your intentions should be of utmost importance, make sure you have a pure and genuine intention for what ever action you exhibiting because that is what God is really after.

You may deceive people with your actions, but God sees your spirit and knows your real intention so be very careful.

10. Surrender: Let go of control and surrender to God’s plan. Trust that God knows what is best for you and have faith that He is guiding you on your path.

Finally, it’s all God’s plan of bringing you forth to this world, therefore the best strategy is God’s strategy, learn to surrender to his plan for your life, but you cannot surrender if you do not know God’s plan for your life.

First of all go down in prayers and ask him of his plan for your life, take your time, then when you finally realize his plan for your life, surrender to God’s plan for your life, let go of your own plan.

God said “come to me all ye who are over burdened and laboured and i will give you rest”

Then he added “for my yoke is easy and my burden is light”

God has genuine and pure intentions for each and everyone of us, you may not have figured it out now, but your sole aim should be to figure it out and move in that direction.

Whatever you think you need be it Money, finance, wealth, status, protection, God has got it in abundance if you are willing to come to him.

Remember, deepening your connection with God is a personal and unique journey. Find what resonates with you and allows you to feel the presence of the divine in your life.

If you were blessed by this piece, then share to your loved ones so that they will benefit as well.

God bless your genuine Intentions.

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